If management calls you in for a disciplinary meeting

If management calls you in for a meeting that may pertain to disciplinary action (written warning, suspension or termination) you have the right to have an MPEA representative.  Inform the Board right away so we can discuss the matter and attend the meeting with you. We can serve as observer, record keeper and advocate - helping ensure laws and proper procedure are followed. We can work with your management team and human resources representative to focus improvements instead of discipline.

Use the Contact tab above to quickly communicate with executive officers. Contact information for all board members is also listed under the Who we are tab. 

If the meeting is scheduled too soon for you to contact MPEA and obtain a representative, you can and should request management to delay or reschedule the meeting. 


If management is taking disciplinary action against you  

Under the collective bargaining agreement between MPEA and the City of Minneapolis, the employer must have just cause to take disciplinary action. If the employer does not have just cause, in that either there is no basis in fact for the discipline or the discipline is disproportionate to factual cause, there are procedures available to challenge that discipline.

If you are the subject of a disciplinary action, you should immediately inform MPEA. 

Use the Contact tab above to quickly communicate with executive officers. Contact information for all board members is also listed under the Who we are tab.